Holistic Physiotherapy

I work with clients with musculoskeletal pain and chronic pain. 

I look holistically at the person exploring the mind body connection to see how this impacts the physical body. 

My approach to chronic pain involves a hands-off approach embracing modalities that soothe the nervous system to bring it back into homeostatis. 

Techniques such as guided meditation, visualisation, emotional freedom technique, education and exposure therapy all aid in dealing with chronic pain. 

I specialise in

Myofascial Therapy - This involves working with the connective tissue (myofascia) in the body to allow movement to be restored when an adverse event has caused the fascia to become restricted. 

This is a gentle hands on approach to work with the body allowing the fascia to unwind and restore natural movement again in this part of the body.

I also use massage at times to complement this. 

Exercise therapy can also be an important step to recovery. 


Holistic Physiotherapy is available in clinic or online

Duration: 45 minutes

Email for clinic appointment. 

Online can be booked using the button below